~Subscriptions Subscription to the mag costs 1.75 per an issue. For Example :- ` To receive 10 issues of CHEET SHEETS send 17.50. Subscribers to the mag will receive the mag as and when it has been finalized. This can often be as much as a week before the actual release date, so in short you'll receive it before the normal once a month buyers. The cost for each mag (1.75), covers all the extras eg. post and disks, so all you have to do is sit back and wait for the next issue to arrive in the post. No more having to send me blank disks, cash and SAE's !!! So if your a great fan of CHEET SHEETS and don't want to miss an issue, then get sending your subscription fee today !!! Cash preferred but cheque is OK !! Made payable to "Wayne Roberts". The address for this and any other mag related problems is :- "By-The-Way", Chilsworthy, Gunnislake, Cornwall, PL18 9PB. ENGLAND. P.S. Overseas orders add 25p an issue (NON EC countries add 50p)